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Community Outreach

Being able to give back to the community is one of the many things that make us proud of the business we run.

Over the years we have given to causes big and small. We have bought lawn mowers and rented moving trucks for folks in the early days after the storm, paid to have overgrown lots cleared so folks would not lose them, and given to the Big Nine and Big Seven social clubs to help their Sunday second-line parades go on.

There are a lot of great groups in the city that work with neighborhood kids, some of the ones we have supported include: -Getting locals back home
Make Music NOLA -A youth orchestra
The Roots of Music-Marching band for elementary school age kids
New Orleans Community Print Shop-Helping fund programs for kids
Red Flame Hunters All Youth Indian Tribe-Buying beads and feathers for the first all kids Mardi Gras Indian tribe

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